Hello everyone!
Finally, I am starting to get back into blogging buisness 🙂 As many of you might already know, we were expecting a new family member March 4th, the exact same date as our first prince was expected two years earlier. This last pregnancy really had it`s ups and downs so blogging was not at all prioritized.. We were 8 days overdue the 12th of March, on our first son`s birthday. Woke up early to sing him the birthday song and give some presents. Right after that I realized that the contractions I had felt earlier were getting stronger and it was time to go to the hospital. Yes, you guessed it! Our second prince were born on his big brother`s birthday:)! Same due date, same birthday. Matteo, our first son, was born March 12th at 02:02 and Millian, our second, was born March 12th 13:58. I can remember our midwife asked me if we should try to extend the birth so that Millian would be born 14:02… I think my reply was something like ” H…., no!” 🙂 Born on the same date was good enough for me 😉 To make it a little more special, my better half has two kids from earlier relationships, who also shares birth date:)

Millian – 51 cm, 4170 kg
So, time is passing by really quick when I`m at home with these little ones!! Though I love every minute of it, I still miss work and my kids at school! I have received so many texts and emails from students and parents, as well as staff, and in someway it`s nice to know that I`m missed:) I recently got this from one of my students and it really touched my heart…
I have been missing the alone time I had before, creating teacher resources, blogging, late night goggling for great ideas and communicating with my followers here at Joy of Teaching. A teacher is not what I am, but who I am. So I am kinda missing a part of myself when there`s no time for work.
But as I`m slowly starting to get back to “myself”, I wanted to share a freebie with all of you followers! It`s 6 front covers that I attach to file folders, to use gathering work and information to students that were absent from school. This way I can send home a folder with everything they missed and nothing is forgotten:) You can grab the freebie from my TpT-shop by clicking on the image below! It includes both English and Norwegian covers!
I have also uploaded several new items to my shop;
Enjoy everyone – I`ll be back soon! Until then, I`ll miss you 😉